Winter Series 2024/25 Race 5
Wednesday 12th March 2025.
Here it is ladies and gentlemen, the results from race 5 and thus the series, the STIG has processed results and has asked me to declare said results, first however, a few stats (as you would expect).
51 of the 60 finishers last night were within +/- 1 min of target time 85%
33 of the 60 finishers were within +/- 30s of the target time
Across the series, 122 of the 151 registered competitors ran at least 1 race, + 2 guests , and more than half of the registered competitors ran at least 3 races throughout the series.
Special mention and thanks to all organisers and volunteers who make this happen and allow our members to have fun of an evening.
So to the results, firstly the evening’s race. Congratulations to Lyndsey Taylor who won the final race of the series, closely followed across the line by teammate Jean Gaillí in second and Michael Ashby in third with the remaining competitors streaming across the line very close behind.
In the individual competition. With a number of runners in contention with one race to go, game was on and it was gonna take some great efforts to take top spot. Indeed the top two in the final table ran PB’s for the series in the final race and there was very little to separate them with their lowest placed finish being discounted.
The winner, and Winter Series champion for 2024-2025 was Ruth French who finished 9th on the night and ended the competition a mere 4 points ahead of Christine Marsh who made a valiant effort to hold on to the top spot finishing 11th on the night and in third place overall was young George Bryce who finished in 7th place on the night with another outstanding run. Congratulations to Ruth French and all other competitors across the whole series.
Winning team on the evening was The Doylems who along with a 1-2 across the line had their teammates in close order behind.
For the team competition, another really close finish with only 0.5 points separating first and second with third place only 5.5 points off the top spot. Despite their first place team finish on the evening, alas, it was just not enough for the Doylems to overhaul Ali and the Alkies who held on to top spot by securing third place on the night with DK’s Midnight Runners in third overall having finished 4th on the evening. Congratulations to Ali and the Alkies and all other teams who made the competition what it was.
So that is it, Winter Series 2024-2025 draws to a close and a final congratulations to all winners and well done to all competitors throughout the competition a very close run thing and I think the new course has proved a success.
We have a month break before we commence the 2025 Summer cup competition in May however no break for the STIG apparently, the STIG will be defining the handicaps for the next club race, the 6.5mile handicap, so if you would like to keep the STIG busy crunching numbers (apparently the STIG loves to do this) then when the time comes, get your name down and have another lovely evening competing against your friends and clubmates.
Well done all once again for making the BRC competitions interesting and competitive and remember, they could not happen without club members volunteering to help organise, marshall and support so please consider helping out if the opportunity arises.
Dave and the STIG (the STIG wanted to be on the sign off).
Finishing Order
POS. |
130 |
TD |
1 |
Taylor, Lyndsey |
36:12 |
05:45 |
30:27 |
62 |
TD |
2 |
Gallwey, Jean |
37:01 |
10:00 |
27:01 |
2 |
3 |
Ashby, Michael |
37:20 |
15:15 |
22:05 |
145 |
CM |
4 |
Wilson, Andrea |
37:21 |
14:15 |
23:06 |
124 |
5 |
Stamp, David |
37:26 |
20:00 |
17:26 |
116 |
CM |
6 |
Scorer, Lisa |
37:36 |
18:00 |
19:36 |
17 |
KK |
7 |
Bryce, George |
37:38 |
24:00 |
13:38 |
110 |
FF |
8 |
Riches, Harry |
37:41 |
23:45 |
13:56 |
60 |
9 |
French, Ruth |
37:42 |
19:15 |
18:27 |
22 |
AA |
10 |
Carmody, Ray |
37:44 |
19:30 |
18:14 |
94 |
11 |
Marsh, Christine |
37:52 |
16:45 |
21:07 |
27 |
12 |
Courtney, Nikki |
37:56 |
19:30 |
18:26 |
51 |
KK |
13 |
Floyd, Gemma |
37:58 |
21:45 |
16:13 |
3 |
SK |
14 |
Barkley, Robby |
37:58 |
21:45 |
16:13 |
58 |
15 |
French, Alison |
38:01 |
16:45 |
21:16 |
38 |
NN |
16 |
Dooley, Rob |
38:02 |
17:30 |
20:32 |
41 |
17 |
Dunning, Vanessa |
38:03 |
14:00 |
24:03 |
6 |
RnR |
18 |
Baxter, Ian |
38:05 |
22:00 |
16:05 |
120 |
TR |
19 |
Smith, Stuart |
38:06 |
22:30 |
15:36 |
108 |
TR |
20 |
Richardson, Tommy |
38:06 |
20:30 |
17:36 |
25 |
21 |
Clough, Simon |
38:07 |
21:45 |
16:22 |
134 |
22 |
Turner, Claire |
38:07 |
14:45 |
23:22 |
71 |
KK |
23 |
Heatley, Dexter |
38:10 |
23:15 |
14:55 |
5 |
24 |
Bateson, Richard |
38:10 |
24:15 |
13:55 |
132 |
25 |
Tuck, Emma |
38:11 |
16:30 |
21:41 |
74 |
SB |
26 |
Hickey, Lucy |
38:12 |
20:30 |
17:42 |
121 |
27 |
Southworth, Jade |
38:12 |
17:45 |
20:27 |
32 |
28 |
Danielson, Rachel |
38:13 |
06:30 |
31:43 |
123 |
29 |
Stafford, Sharon |
38:16 |
15:00 |
23:16 |
78 |
30 |
Johnson, Ewa |
38:17 |
13:45 |
24:32 |
26 |
31 |
Conner, Michelle |
38:19 |
20:00 |
18:19 |
37 |
32 |
Donaldson, Katie |
38:21 |
20:30 |
17:51 |
139 |
SB |
33 |
Watson, Kandis |
38:22 |
20:45 |
17:37 |
88 |
TD |
34 |
Krzysiak, Nicola |
38:24 |
11:00 |
27:24 |
148 |
TR |
35 |
Wright, Lindsay |
38:25 |
12:45 |
25:40 |
16 |
AA |
36 |
Browning, Sue |
38:28 |
19:30 |
18:58 |
100 |
SB |
37 |
Munro, Beth |
38:29 |
17:00 |
21:29 |
21 |
xxx |
38 |
Butler, Lynne |
38:30 |
12:30 |
26:00 |
24 |
39 |
Claassen, Suzanne |
38:31 |
13:30 |
25:01 |
96 |
40 |
Maxwell, Glen |
38:33 |
08:45 |
29:48 |
125 |
CC |
41 |
Stevens, Claire |
38:35 |
00:45 |
37:50 |
93 |
42 |
Lyonette, Alyson |
38:38 |
17:15 |
21:23 |
52 |
KK |
43 |
Floyd, Jamie |
38:38 |
22:30 |
16:08 |
20 |
SM |
44 |
Bryden, Teresa |
38:39 |
10:45 |
27:54 |
119 |
TD |
45 |
Smith, Karen |
38:41 |
11:00 |
27:41 |
147 |
AA |
46 |
Wittering, Leanne |
38:43 |
17:30 |
21:13 |
95 |
47 |
Mason, Claire |
38:44 |
17:15 |
21:29 |
140 |
HT |
48 |
Watson, Sandra |
38:45 |
18:45 |
20:00 |
8 |
49 |
Bell, Alex |
38:50 |
21:45 |
17:05 |
29 |
50 |
Craik, Harrison |
38:56 |
22:30 |
16:26 |
101 |
AA |
51 |
Munro, Lynn |
38:57 |
08:30 |
30:27 |
128 |
52 |
Stobbart, Joanne |
38:58 |
11:45 |
27:13 |
67 |
53 |
Green, Catherine |
39:04 |
16:15 |
22:49 |
65 |
CC |
54 |
Gillie, Kathryn |
39:22 |
13:15 |
26:07 |
28 |
55 |
Craddock, Anne |
39:27 |
14:00 |
25:27 |
144 |
TD |
56 |
Wightman, Julie |
39:32 |
11:15 |
28:17 |
84 |
FF |
57 |
Kelly, Rob |
39:38 |
17:00 |
22:38 |
149 |
58 |
Younger, John |
40:01 |
22:45 |
17:16 |
107 |
HT |
59 |
Payne, Maisie |
40:37 |
16:30 |
24:07 |
77 |
60 |
Johnson, Brian |
40:40 |
19:45 |
20:55 |
Fastest Time Order
POS. |
1 |
Bryce, George |
37:38 |
24:00 |
13:38 |
2 |
Bateson, Richard |
38:10 |
24:15 |
13:55 |
3 |
Riches, Harry |
37:41 |
23:45 |
13:56 |
4 |
Heatley, Dexter |
38:10 |
23:15 |
14:55 |
5 |
Smith, Stuart |
38:06 |
22:30 |
15:36 |
6 |
Baxter, Ian |
38:05 |
22:00 |
16:05 |
7 |
Floyd, Jamie |
38:38 |
22:30 |
16:08 |
8 |
Floyd, Gemma |
37:58 |
21:45 |
16:13 |
9 |
Barkley, Robby |
37:58 |
21:45 |
16:13 |
10 |
Clough, Simon |
38:07 |
21:45 |
16:22 |
11 |
Craik, Harrison |
38:56 |
22:30 |
16:26 |
12 |
Bell, Alex |
38:50 |
21:45 |
17:05 |
13 |
Younger, John |
40:01 |
22:45 |
17:16 |
14 |
Stamp, David |
37:26 |
20:00 |
17:26 |
15 |
Richardson, Tommy |
38:06 |
20:30 |
17:36 |
16 |
Watson, Kandis |
38:22 |
20:45 |
17:37 |
17 |
Hickey, Lucy |
38:12 |
20:30 |
17:42 |
18 |
Donaldson, Katie |
38:21 |
20:30 |
17:51 |
19 |
Carmody, Ray |
37:44 |
19:30 |
18:14 |
20 |
Conner, Michelle |
38:19 |
20:00 |
18:19 |
21 |
Courtney, Nikki |
37:56 |
19:30 |
18:26 |
22 |
French, Ruth |
37:42 |
19:15 |
18:27 |
23 |
Browning, Sue |
38:28 |
19:30 |
18:58 |
24 |
Scorer, Lisa |
37:36 |
18:00 |
19:36 |
25 |
Watson, Sandra |
38:45 |
18:45 |
20:00 |
26 |
Southworth, Jade |
38:12 |
17:45 |
20:27 |
27 |
Dooley, Rob |
38:02 |
17:30 |
20:32 |
28 |
Johnson, Brian |
40:40 |
19:45 |
20:55 |
29 |
Marsh, Christine |
37:52 |
16:45 |
21:07 |
30 |
Wittering, Leanne |
38:43 |
17:30 |
21:13 |
31 |
French, Alison |
38:01 |
16:45 |
21:16 |
32 |
Lyonette, Alyson |
38:38 |
17:15 |
21:23 |
33 |
Mason, Claire |
38:44 |
17:15 |
21:29 |
34 |
Munro, Beth |
38:29 |
17:00 |
21:29 |
35 |
Tuck, Emma |
38:11 |
16:30 |
21:41 |
36 |
Ashby, Michael |
37:20 |
15:15 |
22:05 |
37 |
Kelly, Rob |
39:38 |
17:00 |
22:38 |
38 |
Green, Catherine |
39:04 |
16:15 |
22:49 |
39 |
Wilson, Andrea |
37:21 |
14:15 |
23:06 |
40 |
Stafford, Sharon |
38:16 |
15:00 |
23:16 |
41 |
Turner, Claire |
38:07 |
14:45 |
23:22 |
42 |
Dunning, Vanessa |
38:03 |
14:00 |
24:03 |
43 |
Payne, Maisie |
40:37 |
16:30 |
24:07 |
44 |
Johnson, Ewa |
38:17 |
13:45 |
24:32 |
45 |
Claassen, Suzanne |
38:31 |
13:30 |
25:01 |
46 |
Craddock, Anne |
39:27 |
14:00 |
25:27 |
47 |
Wright, Lindsay |
38:25 |
12:45 |
25:40 |
48 |
Butler, Lynne |
38:30 |
12:30 |
26:00 |
49 |
Gillie, Kathryn |
39:22 |
13:15 |
26:07 |
50 |
Gallwey, Jean |
37:01 |
10:00 |
27:01 |
51 |
Stobbart, Joanne |
38:58 |
11:45 |
27:13 |
52 |
Krzysiak, Nicola |
38:24 |
11:00 |
27:24 |
53 |
Smith, Karen |
38:41 |
11:00 |
27:41 |
54 |
Bryden, Teresa |
38:39 |
10:45 |
27:54 |
55 |
Wightman, Julie |
39:32 |
11:15 |
28:17 |
56 |
Maxwell, Glen |
38:33 |
08:45 |
29:48 |
57 |
Munro, Lynn |
38:57 |
08:30 |
30:27 |
58 |
Taylor, Lyndsey |
36:12 |
05:45 |
30:27 |
59 |
Danielson, Rachel |
38:13 |
06:30 |
31:43 |
60 |
Stevens, Claire |
38:35 |
00:45 |
37:50 |
Team Result
Total |
Points |
The Doylems |
TD |
1 |
2 |
34 |
45 |
82 |
32 |
Keeping Up With The Kids |
KK |
7 |
13 |
23 |
43 |
86 |
28 |
12 |
15 |
21 |
42 |
90 |
25 |
DK’s Midnight Runners |
9 |
24 |
25 |
39 |
97 |
23 |
The Stamp Collectors |
5 |
27 |
31 |
40 |
103 |
21 |
Better Late then Never |
17 |
22 |
50 |
53 |
142 |
19 |
Ali’s Aces |
AA |
10 |
36 |
46 |
51 |
143 |
18 |
Girls Are Loud |
30 |
47 |
52 |
60 |
189 |
17 |
Sofa So Good |
11 |
28 |
29 |
150 |
218 |
16 |
The Runbetweeners |
TR |
19 |
20 |
35 |
150 |
224 |
15 |
Sneaky Blythers |
SB |
28 |
33 |
37 |
150 |
248 |
14 |
Cake Monsters |
CM |
4 |
6 |
150 |
150 |
310 |
13 |
Forster’s Fliers |
FF |
8 |
57 |
150 |
150 |
365 |
12 |
Just Bin Running |
32 |
58 |
150 |
150 |
390 |
11 |
Coastline Coasters |
CC |
41 |
54 |
150 |
150 |
395 |
10 |
Hot Tottie |
HT |
48 |
59 |
150 |
150 |
407 |
9 |
Ayup Me Duck |
3 |
150 |
150 |
150 |
453 |
8 |
Speed Kings |
SK |
14 |
150 |
150 |
150 |
464 |
7 |
No Name |
NN |
16 |
150 |
150 |
150 |
466 |
6 |
R&R |
RnR |
18 |
150 |
150 |
150 |
468 |
5 |
Sole Mates |
SM |
44 |
150 |
150 |
150 |
494 |
4 |
Joe’s Angels |
JA |
150 |
150 |
150 |
150 |
600 |
2 |
Slow And Slower |
150 |
150 |
150 |
150 |
600 |
2 |
Tyneside Traitors |
TT |
150 |
150 |
150 |
150 |
600 |
2 |