Winter Series 2024/25 Race 1

Wednesday 13th November.

A record turnout of 102 runners for the first race of the 2024/25 Winter Series competition held for the first time in its’ new trial location of Cramlington, a cool, calm evening promised a perfect night for running.

First back was new member Tommy Richardson in a clock time of 30:27.  Tommy, being fairly new to racing, was over 5 minutes quicker than expected, second place went to another relatively new member and junior Maisie Payne (31:27) and in third was Ruth French (34:14).  After the rather large time gaps between the first three, there then followed a steady stream runners, with 75 finishing within 1 minute either side of the projected handicap time.

Winners in the team competition were “DK’s Midnight Runners” on a team score of 62pts (finishing positions being 3rd, 10th, 21st and 28th), followed by “Keeping Up With The Kids” and “The Doylems” with 76 and 95 pts respectively. 

Fastest finisher in a time of 13:37 was Richard Bateson, and Gemma Floyd fastest female with 16:06. A special mention to 14 year old George Bryce, third fastest on the night in a time of 13:53.

Many thanks to Tony, the Handicapper (Stig), the timekeepers, the recorders and all the helpers on the night.

Next race Wednesday 18th December  – see you all there.

Finishing Order

108 TR 1 Richardson, Tommy 30:37 12:30 18:07
107 HT 2 Payne, Maisie 31:27 07:15 24:12
60 DMR 3 French, Ruth 34:14 14:30 19:44
138 JA 4 Watson, Anna 34:26 06:30 27:56
122 AMD 5 Stafford, Dayle 34:49 18:30 16:19
144 TD 6 Wightman, Julie 34:51 07:45 27:06
129 AA 7 Sultman, Sonia 34:58 13:45 21:13
8 AATA 8 Bell, Alex 35:02 18:45 16:17
114 JA 9 Robinson, Liz 35:07 02:15 32:52
104 DMR 10 Ogilvie, Karl 35:12 16:15 18:57
116 CM 11 Scorer, Lisa 35:13 15:30 19:43
26 TSC 12 Conner, Michelle 35:18 17:15 18:03
71 KK 13 Heatley, Dexter 35:19 20:45 14:34
17 KK 14 Bryce, George 35:23 21:30 13:53
45 TD 15 England, Allan 35:27 15:30 19:57
88 TD 16 Krzysiak, Nicola 35:30 09:00 26:30
74 SB 17 Hickey, Lucy 35:32 18:15 17:17
58 AATA 18 French, Alison 35:33 14:45 20:48
37 JBR 19 Donaldson, Katie 35:35 18:15 17:20
51 KK 20 Floyd, Gemma 35:36 19:30 16:06
5 DMR 21 Bateson, Richard 35:37 22:00 13:37
149 JBR 22 Younger, John 35:38 20:00 15:38
83 FF 23 Kavanagh, Neil 35:38 19:45 15:53
6 RnR 24 Baxter, Ian 35:38 20:00 15:38
80 BLTN 25 Johnson, Leanne 35:39 13:30 22:09
94 SSG 26 Marsh, Christine 35:40 12:45 22:55
109 SK 27 Riches, Claire 35:41 15:00 20:41
132 DMR 28 Tuck, Emma 35:42 14:15 21:27
18 KK 29 Bryce, Karl 35:43 21:00 14:43
87 SAS 30 Knight, Paul 35:44 18:00 17:44
101 AA 31 Munro, Lynn 35:45 06:00 29:45
98 AMD 32 Moffett, Tom 35:48 15:30 20:18
92 NN 33 Lewis, Alex 35:48 22:00 13:48
52 KK 34 Floyd, Jamie 35:49 20:00 15:49
36 TSC 35 Dobby, Steve 35:50 18:30 17:20
127 CC 36 Stewart, Janice 35:51 14:30 21:21
75 SK 37 Hindle, Laura 35:53 16:30 19:23
41 BLTN 38 Dunning, Vanessa 35:53 11:00 24:53
110 FF 39 Riches, Harry 35:55 21:15 14:40
43 JBR 40 Ellis, Carly 35:56 18:30 17:26
78 GAL 41 Johnson, Ewa 35:59 12:00 23:59
134 BLTN 42 Turner, Claire 35:59 13:00 22:59
117 JBR 43 Shields, David 35:59 20:30 15:29
93 AATA 44 Lyonette, Alyson 36:00 15:15 20:45
57 SAS 45 Freeman, Clare 36:01 07:00 29:01
54 CM 46 Forster, Gwen 36:02 17:15 18:47
19 KK 47 Bryce, Kimberley 36:03 19:00 17:03
63 RnR 48 Giles, Rodney 36:04 14:30 21:34
44 NN 49 Elsey, Martin 36:05 20:30 15:35
128 GAL 50 Stobbart, Joanne 36:06 10:15 25:51
10 SM 51 Bennett, Emma 36:07 06:45 29:22
27 AATA 52 Courtney, Nikki 36:08 17:15 18:53
120 TR 53 Smith, Stuart 36:10 20:45 15:25
118 RnR 54 Short, Stacey 36:10 13:30 22:40
23 AA 55 Castro, Michelle 36:11 12:45 23:26
148 TR 56 Wright, Lindsay 36:11 10:45 25:26
59 xxx 57 French, Jon 36:12 20:00 16:12
62 TD 58 Gallwey, Jean 36:15 07:00 29:15
91 GAL 59 Lemin, Julie 36:17 16:00 20:17
135 TR 60 Tyler, Amy 36:18 13:15 23:03
24 DMR 61 Claassen, Suzanne 36:20 11:00 25:20
105 SM 62 Oliver, Emma 36:21 09:30 26:51
13 CC 63 Brown, Colin 36:22 14:15 22:07
48 CC 64 Falkous, David 36:27 15:00 21:27
73 xxx 65 Herron, Leanne 36:28 19:15 17:13
99 HT 66 Mulcaster, Joanna 36:28 11:00 25:28
53 FF 67 Ford, Charlie 36:29 18:15 18:14
142 RnR 68 Whisker, Josh 36:30 17:00 19:30
64 RnR 69 Gillespie, Steve 36:32 16:00 20:32
123 SSG 70 Stafford, Sharon 36:34 12:45 23:49
72 JA 71 Heron, Aynsley 36:35 07:15 29:20
147 AA 72 Wittering, Leanne 36:37 16:30 20:07
100 SB 73 Munro, Beth 36:37 14:45 21:52
67 BLTN 74 Green, Catherine 36:38 15:00 21:38
29 BLTN 75 Craik, Harrison 36:41 21:30 15:11
95 GAL 76 Mason, Claire 36:42 15:45 20:57
90 RnR 77 Landers, Stephanie 36:43 10:30 26:13
25 AATA 78 Clough, Simon 36:49 20:00 16:49
42 SB 79 Elder, Lee 36:51 18:00 18:51
124 TSC 80 Stamp, David 36:55 17:45 19:10
96 TSC 81 Maxwell, Glen 36:58 07:15 29:43
30 AMD 82 Dabbs, Anita 36:59 13:45 23:14
31 SM 83 Daly, Richard 37:01 18:00 19:01
119 TD 84 Smith, Karen 37:04 09:45 27:19
38 NN 85 Dooley, Rob 37:08 16:45 20:23
22 AA 86 Carmody, Ray 37:10 18:45 18:25
121 TSC 87 Southworth, Jade 37:17 15:45 21:32
3 SK 88 Barkley, Robby 37:19 21:00 16:19
126 TR 89 Stewart, Alan 37:22 16:30 20:52
20 SM 90 Bryden, Teresa 37:22 10:15 27:07
113 HT 91 Robinson, Adam 37:26 16:00 21:26
32 SSG 92 Danielson, Rachel 37:42 06:30 31:12
28 DMR 93 Craddock, Anne 37:53 14:00 23:53
130 TD 94 Taylor, Lyndsey 38:07 04:00 34:07
4 AMD 95 Barrass, Heather 38:13 11:30 26:43
136 SK 96 Walbank, Mark 38:14 17:30 20:44
61 AATA 97 French, Steven 38:37 18:15 20:22
145 CM 98 Wilson, Andrea 38:44 13:00 25:44
146 SSG 99 Windsor, Ian 39:14 11:00 28:14
56 SM 100 Fox, Robert 39:55 10:30 29:25
68 BLTN 101 Green, James 40:30 18:00 22:30
125 CC 102 Stevens, Claire 41:40 00:00 41:40

Fastest Time Order

1 Bateson, Richard 35:37 22:00 13:37
2 Lewis, Alex 35:48 22:00 13:48
3 Bryce, George 35:23 21:30 13:53
4 Heatley, Dexter 35:19 20:45 14:34
5 Riches, Harry 35:55 21:15 14:40
6 Bryce, Karl 35:43 21:00 14:43
7 Craik, Harrison 36:41 21:30 15:11
8 Smith, Stuart 36:10 20:45 15:25
9 Shields, David 35:59 20:30 15:29
10 Elsey, Martin 36:05 20:30 15:35
11 Younger, John 35:38 20:00 15:38
12 Baxter, Ian 35:38 20:00 15:38
13 Floyd, Jamie 35:49 20:00 15:49
14 Kavanagh, Neil 35:38 19:45 15:53
15 Floyd, Gemma 35:36 19:30 16:06
16 French, Jon 36:12 20:00 16:12
17 Bell, Alex 35:02 18:45 16:17
18 Stafford, Dayle 34:49 18:30 16:19
19 Barkley, Robby 37:19 21:00 16:19
20 Clough, Simon 36:49 20:00 16:49
21 Bryce, Kimberley 36:03 19:00 17:03
22 Herron, Leanne 36:28 19:15 17:13
23 Hickey, Lucy 35:32 18:15 17:17
24 Donaldson, Katie 35:35 18:15 17:20
25 Dobby, Steve 35:50 18:30 17:20
26 Ellis, Carly 35:56 18:30 17:26
27 Knight, Paul 35:44 18:00 17:44
28 Conner, Michelle 35:18 17:15 18:03
29 Richardson, Tommy 30:37 12:30 18:07
30 Ford, Charlie 36:29 18:15 18:14
31 Carmody, Ray 37:10 18:45 18:25
32 Forster, Gwen 36:02 17:15 18:47
33 Elder, Lee 36:51 18:00 18:51
34 Ogilvie, Karl 35:12 16:15 18:57
35 Courtney, Nikki 36:08 17:15 18:53
36 Daly, Richard 37:01 18:00 19:01
37 Stamp, David 36:55 17:45 19:10
38 Hindle, Laura 35:53 16:30 19:23
39 Whisker, Josh 36:30 17:00 19:30
40 Scorer, Lisa 35:13 15:30 19:43
41 French, Ruth 34:14 14:30 19:44
42 England, Allan 35:27 15:30 19:57
43 Wittering, Leanne 36:37 16:30 20:07
44 Moffett, Tom 35:48 15:30 20:18
45 Lemin, Julie 36:17 16:00 20:17
46 French, Steven 38:37 18:15 20:22
47 Dooley, Rob 37:08 16:45 20:23
48 Gillespie, Steve 36:32 16:00 20:32
49 Riches, Claire 35:41 15:00 20:41
50 Walbank, Mark 38:14 17:30 20:44
51 Lyonette, Alyson 36:00 15:15 20:45
52 French, Alison 35:33 14:45 20:48
53 Stewart, Alan 37:22 16:30 20:52
54 Mason, Claire 36:42 15:45 20:57
55 Sultman, Sonia 34:58 13:45 21:13
56 Stewart, Janice 35:51 14:30 21:21
57 Robinson, Adam 37:26 16:00 21:26
58 Tuck, Emma 35:42 14:15 21:27
59 Falkous, David 36:27 15:00 21:27
60 Southworth, Jade 37:17 15:45 21:32
61 Giles, Rodney 36:04 14:30 21:34
62 Green, Catherine 36:38 15:00 21:38
63 Munro, Beth 36:37 14:45 21:52
64 Brown, Colin 36:22 14:15 22:07
65 Johnson, Leanne 35:39 13:30 22:09
66 Green, James 40:30 18:00 22:30
67 Short, Stacey 36:10 13:30 22:40
68 Marsh, Christine 35:40 12:45 22:55
69 Turner, Claire 35:59 13:00 22:59
70 Tyler, Amy 36:18 13:15 23:03
71 Dabbs, Anita 36:59 13:45 23:14
72 Castro, Michelle 36:11 12:45 23:26
73 Stafford, Sharon 36:34 12:45 23:49
74 Craddock, Anne 37:53 14:00 23:53
75 Johnson, Ewa 35:59 12:00 23:59
76 Payne, Maisie 31:27 07:15 24:12
77 Dunning, Vanessa 35:53 11:00 24:53
78 Claassen, Suzanne 36:20 11:00 25:20
79 Wright, Lindsay 36:11 10:45 25:26
80 Mulcaster, Joanna 36:28 11:00 25:28
81 Wilson, Andrea 38:44 13:00 25:44
82 Stobbart, Joanne 36:06 10:15 25:51
83 Landers, Stephanie 36:43 10:30 26:13
84 Krzysiak, Nicola 35:30 09:00 26:30
85 Barrass, Heather 38:13 11:30 26:43
86 Oliver, Emma 36:21 09:30 26:51
87 Wightman, Julie 34:51 07:45 27:06
88 Bryden, Teresa 37:22 10:15 27:07
89 Smith, Karen 37:04 09:45 27:19
90 Watson, Anna 34:26 06:30 27:56
91 Windsor, Ian 39:14 11:00 28:14
92 Freeman, Clare 36:01 07:00 29:01
93 Gallwey, Jean 36:15 07:00 29:15
94 Heron, Aynsley 36:35 07:15 29:20
95 Bennett, Emma 36:07 06:45 29:22
96 Fox, Robert 39:55 10:30 29:25
97 Maxwell, Glen 36:58 07:15 29:43
98 Munro, Lynn 35:45 06:00 29:45
99 Danielson, Rachel 37:42 06:30 31:12
100 Robinson, Liz 35:07 02:15 32:52
101 Taylor, Lyndsey 38:07 04:00 34:07
102 Stevens, Claire 41:40 00:00 41:40

Team Result 

  Total Points
DK’s Midnight Runners DMR 3 10 21 28 62 32
Keeping Up With The Kids KK 13 14 20 29 76 28
The Doylems TD 6 15 16 58 95 25
Ali And The Alchies (AATA) AATA 8 18 44 52 122 23
Just Bin Running JBR 19 22 40 43 124 21
Ali’s Aces AA 7 31 55 72 165 19
The Runbetweeners TR 1 53 56 60 170 18
Better Late then Never BLTN 25 38 42 74 179 17
R&R RnR 24 48 54 68 194 16
The Stamp Collectors TSC 12 35 80 81 208 15
Ayup Me Duck AMD 5 32 82 95 214 14
Girls Are Loud GAL 41 50 59 76 226 13
Joe’s Angels JA 4 9 71 150 234 12
Speed Kings SK 27 37 88 96 248 11
Coastline Coasters CC 36 63 64 102 265 10
Forster’s Fliers FF 23 39 67 150 279 9
Sole Mates SM 51 62 83 90 286 8
Sofa So Good SSG 26 70 92 99 287 7
Cake Monsters CM 11 46 98 150 305 6
Hot Tottie HT 2 66 91 150 309 5
No Name NN 33 49 85 150 317 4
Sneaky Blythers SB 17 73 79 150 319 3
Slow And Slower SAS 30 45 150 150 375 2
Tyneside Traitors TT 150 150 150 150 600 1