Monthly Training Schedule

We meet on Monday and Wednesday evenings at various locations in and around Blyth, the main session starting at 7pm with an optional warm-up beginning at 6:45.  Sessions are designed to be suitable for everyone, we have members at ‘the sharp end of races’ while others run just for fun or simply to keep fit.
If opting to miss the optional warm-up session it is advised to do your warm-up before the main session starts, please wear high viz or bright clothing for training sessions, (especially during dark nights).
Most sessions will have longer and shorter options if the number of coaches allow.

If interested in helping out at our sessions either as a Coach or Run Leader please speak to one of the existing coaches, further information is available HERE.

Mon 27-Jan


Up to 6 sets of:
Run 800m hard (15sec to turn round), jog 200m, run 300m hard, jog 300m (15sec to turn round).
Start the 800s at 10K goal pace and the 300s at 5K goal pace, and get slightly faster with each effort.
Blyth Beach Car Park

Warm-up/drills start 6:45 (optional)

Main Session starts 7:00 pm

Coaches: Gwen, Steve D, Richard

Shorter Session

Up to 4 sets of:
Run 800m hard (15sec to turn round), jog 200m, run 300m hard, jog 300m (15sec to turn round).
Start the 800s at 10K goal pace and the 300s at 5K goal pace, and get slightly faster with each effort.


(Please note cover charge of £1-50;
limited spaces available, please contact Craig Harmon before attending)

Churchill Playing Fields
Whitley Bay
6.30 – 7.30 pm

Coaches: Craig Harmon, Nigel Gorvett

Wed 29-Jan Bedlington Loop
3 options 4M, 6M or 10.5M
Sports Centre
Warm-up/drills start 6:45 (optional)


Main Session starts 7:00 pm
Suitable for all, turn back earlier for shorter runs

Coaches:Ralph, Richard, Steve D

Thu 30-Jan       Strength & Conditioning
(Please note that there will
be a charge of £2)
Bede Academy
Sixth Avenue, Blyth. NE24 2SY

7 – 8 pm
Sat 1-Feb       5KM Improver
Time trial at Blyth Park Run
Trial 2 if you missed trial 1 a week earlier
Sun 2-Feb       NE Harrier League 6
Temple Park, South Shields
Mon 3-Feb


Up to 12 x 350m loop with a partner.
Efforts at 5k pace

Blyth Quayside
Warm-up/drills start 6:45 (optional)

Main Session starts 7:00 pm
Session suitable for everyone – do as many or as few as you like

Coaches: Gwen, Richard, Steve D



(Please note cover charge of £1-50;
limited spaces available, please contact Craig Harmon before attending)

Churchill Playing Fields
Whitley Bay
6.30 – 7.30 pm

Coaches: Craig Harmon, Nigel Gorvett

Wed 5-Feb


Max of 8 short hills then 8 long hills OR 8 long hills followed by 8 short hills

w3w – reporters.tabs.forks

Cramlington Library Carpark

Session starts 6:45 pm for warm-up run to the start or 6:30 for slow run to the start with Richard.

Session suitable for everyone – do as many or as few as you like

Coaches:Steve D, Richard, Kandis

Thu 6-Feb       Strength & Conditioning
(Please note that there will
be a charge of £2)
Bede Academy
Sixth Avenue, Blyth. NE24 2SY

7 – 8 pm
Mon 10-Feb

Multi Phase (2 part)

4x(10min with 2min for recovery/changeover)
Alternate between 10mins of 200m @ 5k pace with 150m jog rec and 10mins of shuttles/exercises

Blyth Quayside
Warm-up/drills start 6:45 (optional)

Main Session starts 7:00 pm
Session suitable for everyone – do as many or as few as you like

Coaches:Claire, Richard



(Please note cover charge of £1-50;
limited spaces available, please contact Craig Harmon before attending)

Churchill Playing Fields
Whitley Bay
6.30 – 7.30 pm

Coaches: Craig Harmon, Nigel Gorvett

Wed 12-Feb


Old library car park CRAMLINGTON
(w3w – reporters.tabs.forks)
Race starts 7:15 pm
See web site/facebook group/emails for details

Thu 13-Feb       Strength & Conditioning
(Please note that there will
be a charge of £2)
Bede Academy
Sixth Avenue, Blyth. NE24 2SY

7 – 8 pm
Sat 15-Feb       NECAA Royal Signals Road Relay Championships
Hetton Lyons Country Park
Houghton le Spring


Contact Ralph if interested

ROAR (Random Order Assigned Recovery)
3 sets of 14 efforts with 25sec recovery throughout (only coaches know effort time but will be < 1min)
Total session time (effort and recoveries will be 48:35)
Blyth Beach Car Park
Warm-up/drills start 6:45 (optional)


Main Session starts 7:00 pm

Session suitable for everyone – do as many or as few as you like

Coaches: Claire, Danny, Richard



(Please note cover charge of £1-50;
limited spaces available, please contact Craig Harmon before attending)

Churchill Playing Fields
Whitley Bay
6.30 – 7.30 pm

Coaches: Craig Harmon, Nigel Gorvett

(Richard’s Full House)


2x(9min/3min rec and regroup)
3x(6min/3min rec and regroup)
starting from bandstand
Blyth Beach Car Park
Warm-up/drills start 6:45 (optional)

Main Session starts 7:00 pm

Coaches:, Kandis, Steve D

Shorter Session

3x(5min/3min rec and regroup)
2x(7.5min/3min rec and regroup)
starting from car park
Blyth Beach Car Park
Warm-up/drills start 6:45 (optional)

Main Session starts 7:00 pm

Coaches:, Anne, Richard

Thu 20-Feb       Strength & Conditioning
(Please note that there will
be a charge of £2)
Bede Academy
Sixth Avenue, Blyth. NE24 2SY

7 – 8 pm
Mon 24-Feb


(200m Hell)

Up to 3 x (max of 6 x 200m with 200m jog back rec)
jog rec via Bath Terrace between sets
Efforts at 5k pace

Blyth Quayside
Warm-up/drills start 6:45 (optional)

Main Session starts 7:00 pm
Session suitable for everyone – do as many or as few as you like

Coaches: Richard, Danny



(Please note cover charge of £1-50;
limited spaces available, please contact Craig Harmon before attending)

Churchill Playing Fields
Whitley Bay
6.30 – 7.30 pm

Coaches: Craig Harmon, Nigel Gorvett

Wed 26-Feb TEMPO RUN
(2×2 mile)


2 mile out / 2.5 min rec / 2 mile return (4 mile)
Bandstand to Seaton Sluice and back

Then optional
2min rec / 1 mile out / 90 sec rec / 1 mile
return (2 mile) 
Bandstand to traffic lights and back 

Total effort up to 6 mile

(Runners will be set off at 30sec intervals dependent on pace, please be aware of your 2M pace)
Total distance 6 mile of effort
Blyth Beach Car Park

Warm-up/drills start 6:45 (optional)

Main Session starts 7:00 pm

Coaches: Steve D, Richard

Shorter Session
(total distance 4 mile)


2 mile out / 2mile easy return
Coach: Anne

Thu 27-Feb       Strength & Conditioning
(Please note that there will
be a charge of £2)
Bede Academy
Sixth Avenue, Blyth. NE24 2SY

7 – 8 pm
Sat 1-Mar       NE Harrier League 6
Alnwick Castle