So, last Saturday afternoon (8th March) I headed up to Kielder with my good buddy Paul to do the darkskies 26.5 miler. I had done it once before in 2018 so thought I knew what to expect… The weather conditions were perfect, almost a little warm! No wind and no rain. So off we went at just before 5:30pm in an anticlockwise direction down towards the dam.
The first half (or so I thought) went well, ticking along at a decent steady pace. It was proper dark by 6:30 and we turned the head torches on for the remainder of the run. We got over the dam and then past the second feed station and not long after clicked through 13 miles. The next 5 miles went well, but I had forgot how hilly the other side was, and we sensibly walked up the steeper longer hills. But it was my old nemesis the downhills that did me in again, my quads have not been sufficiently trained this year with much hillage and I paid the price, again.
The last 8 miles were a struggle and I almost went arse over tit tripping on the tiniest of raised path sections a couple of times as the legs grew steadily wearier. We passed through 26.5 miles with the finish not even close, I was not happy. We eventually got to the finish just a little less than 28 miles. Knackered. A little massage helped loosen the legs then after a sausage roll we were off home.
I eventually got home at 12:15, a quick shower then off to bed. The next day my quads weren’t as bad as expected, I could actually walk downstairs. Through my left calf was a tad tender. Rested most of the week then tried a little run yesterday which went well. So, would I recommend this run, if you absolutely hate hills probably not. If you like an interesting tough as run then yes. I feel the need to give it another go next year but prepare better. So, who’s joining me ??
Steve D