British Masters Cross Country Championships 2014

[Sat 15th Mar] 


The British Masters Cross Country Championships for 2014 were held at Tollcross Park, Glasgow on 15th March.


Race 1- Women and M65- consisted of 3 X 2k laps. The dry grassland course was undulating and twisting. A gusty wind made conditions hard

to contend with - but a great course to race and spectate on.

Lesley Chisholm of Garscube Harriers won in 22.20. followed by Janet Dunbar of Edinburgh and local athlete Elaine Leslie of J&H finished in

3rd place. I finished in 83rd position.

It was good to see the north east teams winning - gold over 35 for NSP and silver over 45, together with bronze medallists Jarrow and Hebburn.


Race 2- Men35-64: 4 X 2k laps- won by Robert Gilroy of Ronhill Cambuslang in 25.46; with Tyne Bridge taking silver in 45 team category and Jarrow bronze, whilst Morpeth won bronze in 35 team category.


It was a close and exciting finish for the last 3 athletes who were all 3 seconds apar t- two athletes from Ilford AC did, 39.33 & 39.36 -and Kevin chasing them all the way finished in 129th position - his time: 39.39.


The presentation took place in the newly built large international swimming centre, which will host the Commonwealth Games events this coming summer.


Thanks to NSP for a great trip and George R. for the mars bars.

